Kamis, 26 Mei 2011


DO not ever look down upon wild plants on the edge of the road, because it could be that plants have medicinal benefits.For example Meniran in Latin known as "Phyllanthus urinaria" which has reddish-green stems.This plant has compounds that can increase blood platelets, making it suitable to be an alternative drug for patients with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF).Are five students of the Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, which conducts research related to content Meniran it.Five young researchers ITS it is M. Burhan Rosyidi, Idya Rachmawati, Tyas Wulan Sari, Anga Premana and M Herman Eko.They have the idea of ​​making extracts Meniran into syrup that can be consumed for patients with DHF.The idea that the study was submitted to the Directorate of Higher Education (Higher Education) Ministry of National Education of Indonesia through the Student Creativity Program (PKM) a year ago and finally funded.To initiate research, and four colleagues gathered Idya Meniran. "We simply collect Meniran around campus course," he said.According to ITS Biology student, the idea that the utilization Meniran not easily be separated from the plant were found, including on campus."Meniran it grows wild and almost there on each side of the road, even on a dry field can also be found," he explained.Extraction-distillationFrom the study of literature, they know when the plant contains "flavonoids" that merit increases blood platelets."Flavonoids are substances that can enhance antibody useful in the formation of blood platelets, the same substance contained in guava," said another young researcher, Burhan.In the study, they tried to extract flavonoids Meniran to obtain, and then formulate and test it on test samples that have been infected by dengue virus.To extract the Organic Chemistry Laboratory of the five targeted students, in order to obtain pure flavonoid content.That process was not easy. "We sometimes have to mendestilasi Meniran until dissolved, then there are a few more processes such as chromatography column for final verification of flavonoids," he explained.Students from Gresik it tells the next job is to see the results of increased platelet counts in test animals (rats) that had been injected flavonoids."To see if the platelets are increased, then the bone marrow of rats were dissected. From the pieces of the spinal cord that can be known how many platelets with the addition Nacl first," he said.After that, the young team make comparisons and note if the number of platelets, animals were tested with extracts Meniran an increase greater than that do not."Research does not stop, because we still need a pure extract of flavonoids Meniran to be made into a syrup, so need to add some substance again," he said.The five young researchers from ITS was hoping Meniran later can be used as a drug for humans through the formulation of more appropriate dosage for human consumption, but consumption of vegetables directly to what is not.

Active CompoundsMedicinal Plants Meniran very rich in various chemical constituents, among others: phyllanthin, hypophyllanthin, niranthin, nirtetrali, nirurin, nirurinetin, norsecurinine, phyllanthenol, phyllnirurin, phylltetrin, quercitrin, quercetin, ricinoleic acid, routine, salicylic acid methyl ester, garlic acid, ascorbic acid, hinokinin, hydroxy niranthin, isolintetralin, and isoquercetin.
Other compounds contained in Meniran is beta-d-xylopyranoside and beta-sitosteroy. Another compound that was discovered is Seco-4-hidroksilintetralin, Seco-isoarisiresinol trimethyl ether, hidroksinirantin, dibenzilbutirolakton, nirfilin, and neolignan.
Roots and leaves are rich in flavonoids Meniran, among others phyllanthin, hypophyllanthin, qeurcetrin, isoquercetin, astragalin, and routine. Its seed oil contains several fatty acids such as ricinoleat acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid.Scientific EvidenceThere are many benefits we can get from Medicinal Plants Meniran for our health. However, for pregnant women, the use is not recommended because Meniran Meniran is to abort the womb.
Patients with acute renal disorders are also prohibited from using Meniran as a drug. In addition, the use of Meniran in the long term may cause erectile dysfunction and kidney failure.Benefits Meniran as Medicine1. Antibacterial.Meniran leaf methanol extract had the highest antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia colli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This effect is due to the antibacterial compound on Meniran like phyllanthin, hypophyllanthin, niranthin, and nietetralin. Petroleum ether extract of the stems, leaves and roots Meniran also showed antifungal effects.2. Solvent of uric acid and kidney stones.The content of flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides are the compounds most frequently used in the treatment of gout and kidney stones. Therefore, Meniran flavonid-rich compounds, can be used to treat gout and kidney stones.
In the body, flavonoids bind with calcium from kidney stones then form a complex compound which easily soluble brown. Ions Na and K in Meniran would bind to uric acid salt forming compounds that easily dissolve in water so that has been crystallized uric acid in the blood and the kidneys will slowly dissolve and then be excreted in the urine.
Meniran also is a diuretic (helping discharge of urine). That way, Meniran used to treat gout and kidney stones or other illnesses caused by uric acid, such as rheumatic gout.3. Immunomodulator.Recent studies have revealed that Meniran immunomodulator activity. Immunomodulator role to make the system more active body of their duties, including strengthening the immune system / immune system. If the immune system increases, the body resistance against various bacteria and viruses also increases.
The immune system works with 3 ways. First, blocking the entry of bacteria and viruses into the body. Second, if bacteria and viruses made it into the body, the immune system will detect it and make the process of elimination before the bacteria and viruses multiply and cause disease. Third, if bacteria and viruses breed already, then the immune system will eliminate them.
The results showed that the extract Meniran can modulate the immune system through the proliferation (spread) and the activation of T lymphocytes and B, if our natural immune system resistance is insufficient. T and B lymphocytes to work according to the type of attack viruses and bacteria that occur. In addition, Meniran also serves to activate phagocytic cells such as monocytes and macrophages are responsible for providing a piece of pathogens (disease-causing biological agents) to T cells so that the pathogen can be identified and killed.
Because the character of immunomodulator, Meniran can be used to strengthen the immune system against bacteria, viruses, and microbes that cause disease in order to prevent various diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, or microbes.4. Anticancer.Ability Meniran as immunostimulator help stimulate the activity of natural killer cells (NK) cells and killer (K). If the toxicity of both cells increased, cells that have mutations and abnormal (cancer cells) will be destroyed by both.5. Antidiabetic.Phyllanthin and hypophyllanthin is a major component that allegedly played an active role in decreasing blood sugar levels. This is shown by the results of a study of mice that have been induced alloxan (a chemical that is given to trigger the condition of diabetes in experimental animals). Apparently, mice given Meniran extract decreased blood sugar levels. Meniran proven role as an antidiabetic.6. Hepatoprotector.The results showed that Meniran also serves as hepatoprotector. A group of mice injected with carbon tetrachloride (substance induced hepatotoxic). Apparently, to which water is boiled Meniran improved liver organ. Meniran antihepatotoksik containing compounds such as filantin, hipofilantin, triakontanal, and trikontanol.he
In addition, Phyllanthus compound in Meniran also known to work as a protector of the liver (hepatoprotector) by sabotaging the DNA polymerase (an enzyme needed for replication of hepatitis virus / replicate). In a study in India, 59% of patients suffering from hepatitis B infection showed levels of HBV infection after eating a little more Meniran for 1 month.7. Chronic hepatitis.Results of clinical trials in hospitals Soetomo prove efficacious Meniran overcome hepatitis B. Patients with chronic hepatitis Meniran given a capsule 3 times daily for a month. Meniran extract can modulate the immune system through the proliferation and activation of T and B lymphocytes Secretion of TNF-α and IFN-α also increased.
Effect finally, an indication of healing hepatitis. Meniran encourage repair mechanism of liver cells by increasing the number of enzymes that act as antioxidants.8. Antituberculosis.dr. Zulkifi Amin, an expert on tuberculosis immunology from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, during the year 2000 Meniran conduct clinical trials of patients with tuberculosis. Clinical trials involved 60 patients aged 15-55 years. Patients were divided into 2 groups, each consisting of 30 members. Both groups were still given anti-tuberculosis drugs. The difference is, one group was given an additional well Meniran extract capsules 50 mg. Frequency 3 times a day each 1 capsule. During the 2 months of their situation continues to be monitored.
In the first week Meniran effects look very real. The number of acid-resistant bacteria (AFB, one indicator of TB) in patients who consume Meniran significantly reduced in the first week. The difference between the number of patients taking the BTA Meniran with a not very significant. Meniran helps increase levels of immunity to TB patients by increasing CD4 T lymphocytes and CD4/CD8 ratio of T lymphocytes9. Skin diseases.Meniran consumption is also useful as an adjunct therapy of skin diseases like leprosy and herpes zoster. Meniran extract works by increasing the cellular immune system. In other words, Meniran encourage more active T lymphocytes. Herpes zoster breed freely when the body's immune system is weakened.
While leprosy is a disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae. The bacteria attack the skin and nervous system so that the edge of lepers ability to feel the stimulus of touch, heat, cold, pain will decrease. In the medical world, leprosy patients will be given antibiotics to keep the rate of disease progression.
The more severe the infection, the longer the antibiotic treatment is done so not infrequently appear in the form of drug side effects on skin rash, anemia, or liver damage. By eating Meniran that serves as an immunomodulator, immune system is stimulated and the healing process will occur more quickly.The number of properties that can be obtained from Meniran, making it as one of the leading medicinal plant a lot of interest. Savor Meniran the most popular in the community is its worth in dealing with uric acid. Therefore, almost every herbal products anti uric acid using Meniran as one of the raw materials of manufacture, such as tea made from herbs Sidaguri Sidaguri, combined with Meniran, Leaf god, and Sambiloto, which is believed to reduce uric acid levels, reducing swelling and pain.

Temu Lawak

To determine the efficacy of ginger, has done several ways of testing, both in vitro, against animal testing and clinical trials on humans. From the results of research that has been done, that most of the test against animal testing, while testing on humans is still relatively rare.Analgesic effectYamazaki (1987, 1988a) reported that methanol extract of ginger is administered orally in mice, revealed to suppress the pain caused by acetic acid administration. Furthermore, Yamazaki (1988b) and Ozaki (1990) proved that germakron active ingredient in ginger is a function suppress the pain.Anthelmintic effectInfusion of ginger, black meeting and a combination of both in urea molasses block to reduce the number of eggs per gram of feces in sheep infected by the worm Haemonchus contortus (Bendryman et al. 1996).Effect of antibacterial / antifungalEther extract of ginger is reported that in vitro can inhibit the growth of the fungus Microsporum gypseum, Microsporum canis, and Trichophytol violaceum (Oehadian et al. 1985). Essential oil of Curcuma xanthorrhiza also inhibit the growth of the fungus Candida albicans, while Curcuma xanthorrhiza curcuminoids have a weak inhibition (Oei 1986a).Antidiabetic effectsResearch Yasni et al. (1991) reported that ginger can improve the symptoms of diabetes in mice, such as: growth Retardation, hyperphagia, polydipsia, high glucose and triglycerides in serum, and reduce the formation of arachidonic linoleic acid in liver phospholipid. Especially ginger alter the amount and composition of fecal bile acids.Stock antihepatotoksikGiving steeping ginger rhizome of 400, 800 mg / kg for 6 days and 200, 400 and 800 mg / kg in mice for 14 days, can lower serum activities of GPT-hepatotoxic dose of paracetamol or paracetamol necrosis narrow the area significantly. Antihepatotoksik power depends on the size of dose and period of administration (Donatus and Suzana 1987).Anti-inflammatory effectsOei (1986b) reported that essential oil of Curcuma xanthorrhiza in vitro has a weak anti-inflammatory power. While Ozaki (1990) reported that anti-inflammatory effect was caused by the presence germakron. Furthermore, Claeson et al. (1993) managed to isolate three types of non-phenolic compounds diarylheptanoid of ginger rhizome extract, namely: trans-trans-1 0.7-diphenyl-1, 3,-heptadien-4-on (alnuston); trans1 0.7-diphenyl-1- hepten-5-ol, and trans, trans-1 0.7-diphenyl-1, 3,-heptadien-5-ol. All three compounds were stated to have significant anti-inflammatory effect on rats.Effect of antioxidantsJitoe et al. (1992) measure the antioxidant effects of nine types of rhizome-finding meeting with thiocyanate method and the method of Thiobarbituric Acid (TBA) in water-alcohol system. The results showed that the antioxidant activity of ginger extract were higher than the activity of three types contained in the curcuminoids are estimated ginger. So, apparently there are other substances in addition to the three curcuminoids, which have antioxidant effects. Furthermore, Masuda et al. (1992) succeeded in isolating the new curcumin analogues from the rhizome of ginger, namely: 1 - (4-hydroxy-3 0.5-dimetoksifenil) -7 - (4 hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) - (1E. 6E.) -1.6 - heptadien-3 ,4-dione. This compound turned out to show the effects of antioxidants against auto-oxidation of linoleic acid in water-alcohol system.Antitumor effectItokawa et al. (1985) succeeded in isolating four sesquiterpenoid compound from the rhizome of ginger bisabolan, namely-kurkumen, ar-turmeron,-atlanton and xanthorrizol. Most of these substances is an antitumor compounds against sarcoma 180 ascites in mice. Antitumor effectiveness of these compounds include: (+++) for kurkumen, (+ +) for ar-turmeron, and (+ +) for xanthorrizol. Meanwhile, Yasni (1993b) reported that administration of ginger can activate T cells and B cells that function as a medium in the immune system in mice.Ahn et al. (1995) reported that ar-turmeron contained in ginger can be to lengthen the life of infected mice with S-180 cancer cells. Components showed a synergistic cytotoxic activity with sesquifelandren isolated from the same plant at 10-fold against L1210 cells. In addition, curcumin is strengthening the other cytotoxic drugs such as cyclophosphamide, MeCCNU, aurapten, adriamycin, and vincristine.Suppressant effect of the central nervousResearch Yamazaki et al. (1987, 1988) states that the rhizome extract temu lawak fact have the effect of extending the period of sleep caused by pento barbital. Furthermore proved that (R )-(-)- xantorizol is active substances causing these effects by inhibiting activity of cytochrome P 450. Xantorizol addition, it turns out germakron contained in ginger extract also has the effect to extend the period of sleep (Yamazaki 1988b). Giving germakron 200 mg / kg orally in mice expressed to suppress hyperactivity caused by metamfe-Tamin (3 mg / kg ip). Further stated that administration of 750 mg / kg germakron orally in mice showed no lethal toxicity (Yamazaki 1988b).Effect of diureticsResearch Wahjoedi (1985) states that the decoction of ginger at a dose equivalent to 1x and 10x the usual dose of people in white rats have a diuretic effect approximately half of the potential of HCT (hydrochlorothiazide), 1.6 mg / kg.Hypolipidemic effectThe use of ginger as a beverage in livestock female rabbits showed that there were no body fat on the carcass and fatty tissue around the reproductive organs (Soenaryo 1985). The research Yasni et al. (1993a) reported that lower concentrations of ginger triglise rida and serum phospholipids, liver cholesterol, and increase serum HDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein A-1, in rats fed cholesterol-free diet Koles. As in mice with high cholesterol diet, ginger did not hit the high serum cholesterol while lowering the liver cholesterol. In the study reported that curcuminoids derived from turmeric did not have a significant effect on serum fat and fatty liver, it was concluded that ginger contains the active substance other than curcuminoids that can alter fat metabolism and lipoproteins. Next Yasni et al. (1994) proved that kurkumen is one of the active substance which has the effect of lowering triglycerides in mice by suppressing the synthesis of fatty acids.Meanwhile, Suksamrarn et al. (1994) reported that two diarilheptanoid phenolic compounds isolated from ginger rhizome, namely: 5-hydroxy-7-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-phenyl-(1E)-1-hepten and 7 - (3, 4-dihidroksifenil) -5-hydroxy-1-phenyl-(1E)-1-hepten, a real show hypolipidemic effect by inhibiting liver triglyceride secretion in mice.Ginger efficacy trials carried out by Santosa et al. (1995). against 33 persons of patients with chronic hepatitis. Over 12 weeks, each patient received 3 times daily one capsule containing curcumin and oils evaporate. The monitoring results indicate that the serological data (GOT, GPT, GGT, AP) of 68-77% of patients showed a decrease tendency to normal values ​​and serum total bilirubin than 48% of the patients also decreased. Complaints nausea / vomitus suffered by patients was reported missing. Symptoms of digestive tract felt lost by 43% of patients while the rest still feel insistence of these symptoms, including 70% of patients who experience loss of appetite.Stock hipotermikGinger infusion showed a decrease in body temperature of mice perco Baan (Pudji astuti 1988). Research Yamazaki et al. (1987, 1988a) showed that the methanol extract of ginger rhizome has a decreasing effect on rectal temperature of rats. Furthermore proved that germakron identified as the active ingredient in ginger rhizome hipotermik causing these effects (Yamazaki 1988b).Effects of insecticidesPandji et al. (1993) investigated the effects of insecticides are four types of rhizome of Zingiberaceae species are: Curcuma xanthorrhiza, C. zedoaria, Kaempferia galanga and K. pandurata. Seventeen of the largest components including flavonoids, sesquiterpenoid, and cinnamic acid derivatives were isolated and identified using NMR and Mass spectra. All components tested for toxicity against larvae of Spodoptera littoralis. The residue contact bioassay, it appears that xantorizol and sesquiterpenoid furanodienon is the most active compounds showed toxicity against larvae of the newborn, but the effects were not significant toxicity when given with food. Subsequently it was reported that extracts of Curcuma xanthorrhiza larvasida have the effect of mosquito larvae of Aedes aegypti third instar (Wibowo et al. 1995).Other SecuritiesBased on interviews with 100 respondents indicated that women farmers can improve the use of ginger which control the hormonal system works particularly karbo hydrate metabolism and lactic acid, improve the physiology of organs, and improve fertility (Soenaryo 1985).Components contained in ginger otherwise have the nature koleretik (Oei 1986a, Siegers et al 1997). Wild Ginger is reported to have the effect of reducing expenditure in mice feces (Wahyoedi 1980). Ginger extract showed no toxic effect. To turn off Libistes reticulatus required xanthorrhiza Curcuma extract with a large dose (Rahayu et al. 1992).Infusion of ginger otherwise could increase uterine contractions white mice (Damayanti et al. 1995), can increase the tone guinea pig trachea smooth muscle contraction (Damayanti et al. 1996), can increase the frequency of heart contractions turtle (Damayanti et al. 1997), and can increase glucose absorption in rat small intestine (Halima et al. 1997)Several studies have been conducted to prove the efficacy of curcumin which is one of the active substance contained in ginger, but our discussion will be presented on other occasions.PatentAchievements Oei Ban Liang from Indonesia, together with PT Daria Varia Laboratoria need us proud. They have been successfully patented an anti-inflammatory materials containing combinations of active substances isolated from Curcuma sp. in Europe with No.: 440 885. Meanwhile, in Japan, Yamazaki et al. germakron has patented the active ingredient contained in ginger, as central nervous system suppressant in Japan with the number: 89139527. The stocks in the form of granules that contain germakron and mannitol with binder hidroksipropilselulose 10% in ethanol.In 1995, Imaisumi from Suntory Ltd.. Japan has patented kurkumen ie foods containing active substances derived from the rhizome of ginger with the patent number 07 20, 149, 628. Stated that these foods can increase fat metabolism, and in vivo can reduce liver and serum triglycerides in rats. As Tanaka et al. of the company Shiseido in Japan, recently ie in 1997, succeeded in patenting cosmetics for skin with number 09 20, 635. Cosmetics containing ginger extract was declared effective as forming melanin or tyrosinase inhibitors.CoverFrom the article above can be known that ginger has a wide range of properties, namely as: analgesic, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antifungal, antidiabetic, antidiarrheal, antiinflammatory, anti-hepatotoxic, antioxidant, antitumor, depressant, diuretic, hipotermik, hypolipidemic, insecticides, and others. Efficacy of ginger has been proven through the techniques of modern science by scientists both within and outside the country. Hopefully with this kind of writing we are more encouraged scientists to develop traditional medicines.

Meniran And Temu lawak

I give little information on the reader ..... hopefully can be useful. In 1987, I was still in school in second grade, when my internship in television practice of the Republic of Indonesia Semarang, I was stricken with typhoid which is severe enough, two months I lay in hospital, after being tortured by the disease. My body was emaciated because of it .... vixenish bacteria that attack the digestive me. It took 2 weeks for recovery after I was declared cured of this disease. Two years after that I met a friend, he was a traditional healer in my city .. I was still at school in college, she saw my body is very thin, he says, the gut (gastrointestinal) had injuries, and injuries serious enough, he said I must be careful when eating, he gave a tip, try your search meniran plants and temulawak, then you boil them in water and you drink the night and early morning. At that time I did not understand at all, about the treatment. And I tried it. I drank the concoction for 4 days to 1 week. If the condition of the body has felt healthy / comfortable I stop drinking. And that lasted till now, when I feel sick ... especially in the digestive ... I immediately took meniran and temulawak in my garden and I boil it again. was 20 years do not seem ... and I try to find the efficacy of both species were on the internet. It is remarkable .... meniran which usually grow in the gutter house turned out to contain a lot of drug efficacy .... this is really beyond my estimation, especially in boiled and mixed with temulawak .... wooow .....